One Year of Lemon-Love


I can’t believe it’s been one whole year!

When I first came up with the idea for this brand, I wasn’t actually sure I could bring the idea to fruition. The world is inundated with “lifestyle brands” and “influencers” and I wasn’t confident that my vision of an authentic, vulnerable, and empowering space would resonate with people. I wanted to create a brand that actually puts women first. For me, Lemon-Love isn’t about trying to sell you on anything. It’s about having a space filled with purposefully and conscious content, for you to think, to wonder, to question, to laugh, to feel seen, to shop, to read—to simply just be.

“Lemon-Love is a space that authentically and INTENTIONALLy assists women with a hunger for inspired lives…”

Starting a business at the onset of a global pandemic, and one that won’t initially make much money, would’ve sounded completely misguided to certain people. But honestly, I couldn’t imagine another time to start this brand. This pandemic has shown so many of us the value of slowing down, the importance of connection, the need for community, and all of that has helped Lemon-Love, my little engine that could, survive for 365 days.

To date we’ve done 20 interviews, had 6 contributing pieces, published 50 original articles, sold thousands of dollars in merchandise, given hundreds to a charitable organization, and read 12 books as part of our book club.

Though there is so much more that I want this brand to accomplish, today I am very proud of all the things I’ve done thus far. You, my readers, shoppers, and supporters have helped me become one of the first Black female lifestyle brand founders, and I cannot begin to thank you enough. This year has been one of the most rewarding of all of my 30 years of life, and I am forever grateful! Thank you for your unwavering support for my brand.

Happy First Birthday Lemon-Love.